Monday, December 14, 2009

And where do you think you've been, young lady?

I've rather let the cobwebs grow around here for the last month and a bit. But I have a good excuse! No really.
I was undertaking a wonderful piece of crazyness - Nanowrimo. For those of you who can't be bothered to click on a link, Nanowrimo (or simply Nano to its friends) is the National Novel Writing Month where a person undertakes to write a 50 000 word novel over the month of November. As much as I have missed rambling away in my blog the idea of writing any thing that didn't contribute towards my word count gave me the heebie jeebies. I could barely bring myself to update my facebook status.

And guess what? I did it! It is 30 000 words longer than any thing else I have ever written in my life.

If you break it down, the challenge is to write a minimum of 1667 words each day for 30 days. As a former arts student, churning out that amount in an hour or so isn't really that hard. It's doing it every day come rain, hail, teething babies, end of year plays, writers block, couldn't be bothered-ness or shine that is the issue. But I got through it!

What did I get out of it?
1) A 50 000 word novel that I would not otherwise have written.
2) A certificate I printed out to certify "M2T author of Pendragon 2025 a WINNER of the 2009 National Novel Writing Month contest" which is blu tacked over my computer desk.
3) An appreciation of what just a little dedicated work each day can achieve.

"So," I hear you ask, "have you finished your novel? Are you carefully tending and nurturing it into a fully fledged book? Are you pursuing the editing process with heartful verve and vigour?"
"Umm," I answer. "No?"

But, gentle reader, there are plans afoot! And hopefully once the Christmas insanity has died down a little you might hear more of my crazy little project. Or possibly you might not. We will just have to wait and see.